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Busy local mum and small business advocate, Jodie Webber from Bush Hill Park, has stepped out of her comfort zone and published her first book. Mystic Bunny Boy Walks the Rainbow is designed to help two-to five-year-olds get a restful sleep and learn about meditation in a fun-loving way.

With the start of Children’s Mental Health Week, this couldn’t be a more poignant read for the youngest in our society. Forecasts by the Centre of Mental Health from October last year state that just over half a million under 18s nationally will suffer from mental health conditions post Covid 19, Mystic Bunny Boy Walks The Rainbow is a tool that can help them harness how to control their wellbeing from a young age.

Now more than ever people need access to resources that support mental health. Being back in lockdown, the pressures on people are mounting. They still have to work from home, they aren’t able to see family or go out and many are even back to home schooling. Businesses are closing and people’s livelihoods are at stake.

The younger generation are starting to feel the tensions coming from their parents or carers. Mystic Bunny Boy provides that much needed escape and calm for children and parents alike.

The concept of Mystic Bunny Boy Walks the Rainbow is something that Jodie created to put her three-year-old daughter, Bobbie, to bed.

Jodie said, “I have been telling Bobbie this story since she was a baby and it has always helped her stay calm and have a restful sleep. Last year, she grabbed my face in her hands and said something about Mystic Bunny Boy and I had no idea what she was talking about. Neither did her nursery.

“I realised that she was trying to create a character for our story together. With lockdown affecting so many people’s health, the time felt right to publish it and to help as many people as we can through sharing it.”

Mystic Bunny Boy arrives at a time of great importance when not only children need lifting, but parents too.

Jodie recently released limited editions of the book and feedback from one person, without children, was that this provided her great relief as an adult for her anxiety. “I don’t know what I was expecting but I think it is more than a kiddies book. There is an additional appeal that it reminds mummy or daddy, who is reading it, to unwind too.”

Mystic Bunny Boy can be purchased via Amazon on or via

For further information, photography or interviews please contact Savi Tailor at Tailor Made Media on